Monday, November 20, 2006

Introducing Capability Concept into Service+Data Integration

Here are the expected presentation slides. I gave the outline in my previous post.

In these slides (link is given below), I summary my project about introducing capability concept into the data+service integration problems.

Capability concept is first introduced by OGC (Open GIS Consortium) in GIS (Geographic Information Systems) domain. Their definition of capability is specific to geographic data (which is called feature) and provides ad-hoc solutions to "data access" and "service-chaining" issues in GIS domain.

The term "capability" is also used in Grid community as a tool enabling fine-grained authorization for general Web/Grid services in compliant with Web Services Specs.


Anonymous said...

I still miss the key point. Why are "capabilities" different from semantic adornments used in many Grid projects for services. Please try to give an example

Geoffrey Fox said...

Maybe we should say that ASIS/Capabilities add a type of semantic enhancement to service and data which ideas have been explored in many projects such as GEON and Cardiff/Southampton projects that produced Grimoires and extended UDDI. We need to research how this general research intersects the ideas motivated by OGC approach which exploit special features of spatial data